
Sunshine is a passion project I did to improve my branding skills. I wanted to create a branding for a travel company that focuses on youngsters with a budget who still want to see the world.

For this project, I created the brand, the name, and the mockups that formed the brand.

The challenge during this project was finding the balance between trust and budget. I did not want to create a branding that looked “cheap” I wanted it to be the perfect fusion of modern and trustable but not making it look expensive and exclusive.

To create this brand I used soft colors to not make it look too cheap. And I used rounded elements to give it a kind and young look and to represent the name.

For this project, I mostly used Illustrator and some paper to sketch out the ideas.  I used Pinterest and Behance for my inspiration and I have used Photoshop to create the mockups.

By creating this project I improved my brand research skills and my color-picking skills.

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