This poster was a project for a client whois the owner of a Fiat 500 and wanted to have a nice print to hang in their home.

It was my task to create an image and a poster that felt magazine-like. I made the pictures of the car and created the design for the poster.

The challenge of this project was finding a location to shoot the car that was in theme with this sweet Italian car. As the car is located in the Netherlands and the Netherlands is quite modern i had to look for a location that was still a bit old fashioned.

After some looking around on maps I found the perfect location that was not too far to drive to with this small and old car. The location was new but built in an older style that fitted the car perfectly.

For this project, I used a camera to take pictures of the car. This was a full-frame camera and next to this, I had a 35mm SLR with me to shoot some analog photos as the camera was from the same year as the car. I used Photoshop and Lightroom to edit the picture.

With this project, I improved my photography, videography, and editing skills.

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